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Jochen Eckel Fotojournalist
Oderflut 1997
FFR07:GERMANY-FLOODS:FRANKFURT/ODER,GERMANY,27JUL97 - German soldiers work to rise a dyke which protects the city center of Frankfurt/Oder against floods of the river Oder as the water level rises dramatic again. Large areas along the swollen river Oder had to be evacuated as floods which have already wreaked havoc in neighbouring Poland and the Czech Republic poured into Germany.
FFR06:GERMANY-FLOODS:BRIESKOW-FINKENHEERD,GERMANY,26JUL97 - German border police repair a leaking part of a dyke with sandsacks in Brieskow-Finkenheerd, July 26 as water from the river Oder forced the people to leave parts of their village after two dykes broke. Large areas along the swollen river Oder had to be evacuated as floods which have already wreaked havoc in neighbouring Poland and the Czech Republic poured into Germany.
FFR01:GERMANY-FLOOD:EISENHUETTENSTADT,GERMANY,24JUL97 - Hildegard Luhn stands behind a sand sack barricade which protects her door as water from the river Oder flooded parts of the city, July 24. Disastrous floods which already hit southern Poland reached the German-Polish border area.
FFR07:GERMANY-FLOOD:AURITH,GERMANY,2AUG97 - A resident of Aurith rescues personal belongings through the roof of his house, August 2, where the dikes of the river Oder broke more than one week ago. Some 10,000 soldiers are working endless hours on other parts of the dike to keep the floods away from the homes of some 20,000 people between Frankfurt/Oder and Hohenwutzen.
Aurith, 02.08.97 - Das ueberflutete Dorf Aurith in der Ziltendorfer Niederung.
FFR06:GERMANY-FLOODS:WIESENAU,GERMANY,27JUL97 - Inhabitants of Wiesenau carry possessions which they saved from their houses as floods of river Oder reached parts of the village Wiesenau after several dykes broke,July 27. Large areas along the swollen river Oder had to be evacuated as floods which have already wreaked havoc in neighboring Poland and the Czech Republic poured into Germany.
FFR02:GERMANY-FLOODS:WIESENAU,GERMANY,26JUL97 - A resident of Wiesenau removes clothing from his flooded house,July 26 as water from river Oder forced the people to leave parts of their village after two dykes broke. Large areas along the swollen river Oder had to be evacuated as floods which have already wreaked havoc in neighboring Poland and the Czech Republic poured into Germany.
FFR05:GERMANY-FLOODS:BRIESKOW-FINKENHEERD,GERMANY,26JUL97 - A German Border Police helicopter transports sandbags to a leaking part of a dyke in Brieskow-Finkenheerd,July 26 as water from the river Oder forced the people to leave parts of their village after two dykes broke. Large areas along the swollen river Oder had to be evacuated as floods which have already wreaked havoc in neighboring Poland and the Czech Republic poured into Germany.
FFR11:GERMANY-FLOOD:RATZDORF,GERMANY,22JUL97 - German Chancellor Helmut Kohl wears rubber boots as he visits the dyke which protects the village Ratzdorf from the floods from the river Oder, July 22. Rescue workers fight against the disastrous floods which already hit southern Poland reaching the German-Polish border area.
FFR05:GERMANY-FLOOD:AURITH,GERMANY,2AUG97 - An aerial view shows a flooded bus depot in Aurith, August 2, where the dikes of the river Oder broke more than one week ago. Some 10,000 soldiers are working endless hours on other parts of the dike to keep the floods away from the homes of some 20,000 people between Frankfurt/Oder and Hohenwutzen.
FFR06:GERMANY-FLOOD:EISENHUETTENSTADT,GERMANY,2AUG97 - A helicopter of the German border police (Bundesgrenzschutz) picks up new sandbags in a depot in Eisenhuettenstadt August 2, to bring them to the thousands of soldiers who are repairing the dike of the swollen river Oder on a length of some 60 kilometers between Frankfurt/Oder and Hohenwutzen. Some 20,000 people behind the dike have to be evacuated from their homes when the effort of the army fails to stop the dikes from breaking.
FFR02:GERMANY-FLOOD:RATZDORF,GERMANY,5AUG97 - German President Roman Herzog (L) watchs the flooded river Oder from the dyke in Ratzdorf during his visit to the flooded region at the German-Polish border, August 5. Soldiers, aid workers and residents worked day and night to save the dykes which protect the Oderbruch region against floods of river Oder.
FFR08:GERMANY-FLOODS:FRANKFURT/ODER,GERMANY,27JUL97 - A woman pulls a boat with children in a flooded road in the city center of Frankfurt/Oder as the water level rises dramatic again. Large areas along the swollen river Oder had to be evacuated as floods which have already wreaked havoc in neighboring Poland and the Czech Republic poured into Germany.
FFR10:GERMANY-FLOOD:WIESENAU,GERMANY,25JUL97 - A deer is trapped in water near the village Wiesenau after two dykes at the river Oder broke, July 25. Large areas along the swollen river Oder had to be evacuated as floods which have already wreaked havoc in neighboring Poland and the Czech Republic poured into Germany. The deer was later saved by rescue workers.
FFR09:GERMANY-FLOOD:WIESENAU,GERMANY,25JUL97 - Rescue workers shooe a deer which was trapped in water to a save place as the village Wiesenau was reached by floods, July 25. Large areas along the swollen river Oder had to be evacuated as floods which have already wreaked havoc in neighboring Poland and the Czech Republic poured into Germany.
FFR05:GERMANY-FLOOD:WIESENAU,GERMANY,25JUL97 - Residents remove furniture off their house as floods of the river Oder reached the village after two dykes broke, July 25. Large areas along the swollen river Oder had to be evacuated as floods which have already wreaked havoc in neighboring Poland and the Czech Republic poured into Germany.
FFR08:GERMANY-FLOOD:FRANKFURT/ODER,GERMANY,22JUL97 - German Chancellor Helmut Kohl talks to journalists on top of Frankfurt/Oder city bridge with the flooded river Oder in the background, July 22. Disastrous floods which already hit southern Poland reached the German-Polish border area.
Aurith, 02.08.97 - Bewohner des Dorfes Aurith fahren mit einem Boot zu ihrem ueberfluteten Haus.
Eisenhuettenstadt, 06.08.1997 Hilfskraefte fuellen Sandsaecke.
Neuranft, 05.08.97 Einwohner eines Dorfes im Oderbruch fuellen Sandsaecke fuer den Schutzdeich.
Zollbruecke, 05.08.97 - Aus einem Polizeihubschrauber schaut Brandenburgs Umweltminister Matthias Platzeck auf den mit Sandsaecken verstaerkten Oderdeich im Oderbruch.
Aurith, 02.08.97 - Das ueberflutete Dorf Aurith in der Ziltendorfer Niederung.
Zollbruecke, 02.08.97 - Hubschrauber der Bundeswehr bringen Sandsaecke fuer den Schutzdeich.
Frankfurt/Oder, 05.08.97 - Blick auf das ueberflutete Frankfurt/Oder,
Wiesenau, 26.07.97 - Mit einem Schlauchboot fahren Anwohner zu ihrem vom Hochwasser eingeschlossenen Haus in Wiesenau.
Frankfurt/Oder, 27.07.97 - Hilfskraefte machen Pause auf einem Schutzdeich aus Sandsaecken in Frankfurt/Oder.
Ratzdorf, 22.07.97 - Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl spricht zu Soldaten der Bundeswehr in Ratzdorf. Die Soldaten errichten einen Deich aus Sandsaecken um das Dorf Ratzdorf vor Ueberflutung zu schuetzen. Hinten: Brandenburgs Ministerpraesident Manfred Stolpe und Brandenburgs Umweltminister Matthias Platzeck.
Ratzdorf, 22.07.97 - Soldaten der Bundeswehr und Hilskraefte verstaerken im ueberfluteten Dorf Ratzdorf einen Schutzdeich mit Sandsaecken.
Wiesenau, 26.07.97 - Mit einem Schlauchboot holen Anwohner Kleidung aus ihrem vom Hochwasser eingeschlossenen Haus in Wiesenau.
Zollbruecke, 04.08 97 - Ueberflutete Oder im Oderbruch.
Aurith, 02.08.97 - Mit Wathosen laufen zwei Maenner durch eine ueberflutete Strasse in Aurith.
Aurith, 02.08.97 - Busse in einem Busdepot, im ueberfluteten Dorf Aurith in der Ziltendorfer Niederung.
Brieskow-Finkenheerd, Juli 97 - Ein LKW der Bundesdwehr faehrt durch eine ueberflutete Strasse in Brieskow-Finkenheerd.
Zollbruecke, 05.08.97 - Ueberflutete Oder im Oderbruch.